Friday, June 20, 2014

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Mid Year Reading Goals

Ahem. So, apparently I did not write a list of reading goals for this year.  Shame on me.  So I can't review them and do a mid year check in like Kate did.  So, instead, I'll make "rest of the year" reading goals!

  1. Read at least two more Rough Riders Books.  I started this series by Lorelei James Kay (now Naughty Book Snitch Kay's) recommendation.  I really like them, but I have to be in the right mood.  Up next for me are Shoulda Been a Cowboy and All Jacked Up.
  2. Read a Tessa Baily book - this is to see what my book club is raving about.  I'm definitely late to the bandwagon on this one!  I'm planning to start with Protecting What's His.
  3. Accept a reading challenge from Kate.

That's all I've got.  I have a Goodreads goal to read some number of books this year, but I totally low balled it.  Seriously.  I wanted to set a goal I knew I'd acheive, because it makes me anxious when I'm falling behind when I log into Goodreads!

I am accepting other reading suggestions, so feel free to leave a title or author in the comments that you think I MUST read!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Copper King by Vivian Arend

Grade: B+
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Shifter, Bear, novella
Series: Takhini Shifters #1
Published: 5/6/14 
Reviewed by Anne
*Note: This book is part of the Alphas After Dark Anthology

Jim is on a yearly vacation.  He's a workaholic, especially since his parents died, but his good friend pulls him out to play at least once each year.  This year they're in Vegas.  Lillie is also in Las Vegas.  She's having her very first and last wild weekend.  When Jim sees Lillie, sparks fly.  When he offers to show her around the shifter side of Vegas, her bear can't resist his.

I really enjoyed this novella.  I can't believe I haven't read Vivian Arend before.  She does shifters right!  Not the over the top humor of Shelly Laurenston, who is a favorite of mine, but just really well written shifters.  I love it when a shifter's animal side shows through in her human side, both in actions and little things like Lillie wearing a shirt polka dotted with teeny tiny teddy bears.  There is plenty of humor, too.  Not over the top humor, but the kind that makes you smile while you're reading

I did predict the twist coming in this novella, but it still worked really well, so I didn't care.  The whole setup (for the twist) stetched my willingness to suspend disbelief a bit, but again, overall the story worked for me.  I'm definitely going to be reading more Vivian Arend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ink and Flowers by J.K. Pendragon

Grade: B-
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m, Coming Out, novella
Published: 6/4/14
Reviewed by Anne
89 pages
Luke, a shy anxiety ridden college student, needs a place to live.  He's practically broke and determined not to have to move in with his overbearing family.  There's a guy that comes into the flower shop every week who scares the heck out of Luke, just due to his rough looks and many tattoos, and the fact that he hit on Luke once.  His name is Cooper.  Cooper makes Luke a hideous bargain - have sex with me and you can sleep on my couch.  Luke has spent a lot of time telling himself he's not gay, but he agrees to the bargain anyway.

This is a fairly straight forward set up for a novella, and you certainly get the story promised, but there's a LOT packed into this novella!  You've got a controlling and repressing family, severe depression, anxiety that's not really addressed, the question of paying for art school, Cooper's career and mysterious trauma, Cooper's habit of handling problems by running away, and erectile dysfunction!  It's a bit too much for this short of a story.

It was refreshing to read about a couple who didn't have immortal hardons for each other, but I was disappointed that it seemed like their sex life depended on the ability to have an erection.  I expected to see a discussion or practice of non-ejaculatory ways to be intimate.  But, then again, I'm already complaining that there's too much packed into this book!  It was also interesting to read about a character with anxiety and see how it affected his life.  But, again, it was disappointing that no treatment was pursued.  Luke's anxiety had a big impact on his life.  So much so, that it's difficult to believe that it will go away just because he's come out.

This story is told solely from Luke's POV, but that worked for me.  The mystery around Cooper's motivation and his transformation from jerk to sympathetic character was well done!  Luke's character growth made me want to stand up and cheer!  Despite having so much packed into it, I enjoyed the story and would read more by this author.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Static by L.A. Witt

Grade: A-
Hotness Level: Blaze
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Sci-Fi, Gender Bending
Published: 1/20/14 (first pubbed 6/17/11)
Reviewed by Anne
208 pages

Imagine a world where some people can shift into the opposite gender. And just like the werewolf shifter romances I've read, these shifters consider each of their forms/genders a part of them. It's a setup I couldn't refuse! Then you add in a society only starting to accept shifters, and you've really got an interesting world.

Damon has been dating his girlfriend Alex for two years. Her relationship with her parents is very strained. When he doesn't hear from her after a visit home, he goes looking for her and discovers that she's a shifter, and due to some surgery her parents forced on her, she's now stuck in her male form. 

I didn't want to put this book down! It made me think about gender and sexuality and it was a sweet romance to boot!   The world building was easy to understand, and the shifting was no harder to accept than any kind of animal shifter.  The re-developing romance was realistic and easy to read.  The process by which Damon fell in love with Alex again was slow, not immediate, and that read very true to me.  It also involved Alex accepting that someone could love him in whichever form he was in.  That made for a slow paced romance, but it was realistic.  There were times they were on the verge of having a conversation that got put off.  When they finally got around to it I could see that it was a good thing they had waited - they'd each grown over the course of the story to the point that they could discuss it without hurting each other as much.  That's some good writing!

I highly recommend this book - it's going on my best of the year list and it was one of my most interesting reads as well!  In the past year I've really enjoyed some other reads that have made me think about gender and what it means.  I recommend Butterfly Tattoo by Deidre Knight and Wallflower by Heidi Belleau.   I also found the blog  Raising My Rainbow  about a family raising their gender non-conformist son.  The blog and books have all made me think, and I hope they've made me a more accepting person.  How about you?  Any stories about gender bending sexuality and stereotypes you would recommend?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Educating Caroline by Patricia Cabot

Grade: B
Hotness Level: Blaze
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Historcal
Published: 10/30/01
Reviewed by Kate
439 pages

This one read like a soap opera-in the best way possible.  I feel like a who's who might be the best way to start.

Cast of Characters:
Braden Granville-our hero, aka the Lothario of London
Lady Caroline Linford-our heroine, prim, proper, and, of course, virginal
Lady Jacquelyn Seldon-Braden's fiance
Marquis of Winchilsea-Caroline's fiance

Do you have it all straight now?  All right.  Here we go!

We start off with Lady Caroline walking in on the Marquis of Winchilsea (her finance, remember) in the arms (well technically, in the legs) of Lady Jacquelyn (Braden's fiance).  She's ready to call off the engagement, but her mother tells her there's no way she can end it without causing a reputation ending scandal.  Instead, she should use her womanly wiles to make her fiance fall for her.  Which wouldn't be a bad idea, except Caroline's not really sure if she has any wiles. 

Braden knows that Lady Jacquelyn has not been faithful to him.  But he can't call of their engagement without losing a lot of money.  Unless he can prove it, with a name or a witness.  Caroline decides Braden is the perfect person to teach her how to make the Marquis fall in love with her-all hands off of course. In exchange for teaching her, she'll be his witness against Lady Jacquelyn.

And from that point forward we have the story of Braden and Caroline coming to love one another.  My reading experience was filled with happy smiles, chuckles, gasps of shock and outrage, outright laughs, and contented sighs.  With just enough intrique thrown in, this one kept me turning pages from start to finish.

Thanks to Anne for the recommendation.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Mid Year Check In With Kate

Back in January I set some reading goals for myself and I thought it was time that I update you on how I'm doing.

1.  My first goal was to read 200 books this year.  Not a terribly lofty goal, I'll admit, since I read just over 200 last year.  However it seems life has stepped in this year.  I am currently at 60 books read this year (gulp!).  I'll really have to get cracking if I want to meet that goal.  I am going to say that life has kept me away from my books more than usual this year.  Job changes, busier children, house fires.  At least I've come to appreciate a day that I can spend quietly reading.

2.  I wanted to read more romantic suspense this year.  At least one a month.  And yeah.  That's not going to happen.  I've read 2-3 of them.  And struggled through each one.  I'm just not ready for that kind of suspense in my life.

3.  The Wallflowers (Lisa Kleypas) challenge from my friend Kay.  It's a good thing I'm doing this mid-year check, because that's a goal that I can still meet.  I've enjoyed the ones that I've read so far.  Memo to self:  get the rest.

4.  An challenge from Anne.  Hey Anne, did you ever give me a challenge?  If so, you'll need to remind me again what it was.

I have started so many good series this year but sadly for every good book I read, it seems that 5 more get added to my TBR list.  And there's no way to get caught up.  There are few that I just can't get out of my mind lately that I wanted to share with you.

The Mountain Masters/Dark Haven series by Cherise Sinclair.  I have re-read the entire series again this year and loved the new addition Edge of the Enforcer.  I wish she could write them faster.

The Naughty Bits series by Joey W. Hill. My biggest complaint is that it's being released one little part at a time.  Arg!  I want the whole story now.

And I'm looking forward to the latest release by Reece Butler.  No Strings Attached (release date 6/6).

How are your reading goals coming along?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Meet the Baumgartners by Selena Kitt

Grade: C+
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: Mild Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/f, m/f/f, f/f
Series: The Baumgartners #0
Published: 9/12/10
Reviewed by Kate
85 pages

I'm not really sure where to even start with this one.  Carrie and Maureen are college roommates and lovers and Carrie's perfectly satisfied until she catches Steve "Doc" Baumgartner masterbating in the shower.  What follows is a sexfest involving the three of them, but especially Carrie and Doc.

To say that this one was steamy and hot would be the understatement of the year.    This is not a book that you read in the living room with the family all around.  They'll start asking questions about why you're blushing and sweating.  This is a book that requires privacy for reading.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

True Love West by Claire Charlins

Grade: D+
Hotness Level: Blaze
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Historical
Series: Mail Order Romance #5
Published: 11/14/13
Reviewed by Kate
147 pages

Sarah feels lonely and ignored at home, all the attention is turned toward her older sister.  Add that to the fact that there's a shortage of men in the area and Sarah sees a bleak future stretching out before her.  When her sister suggests becoming a mail order bride, Sarah hesitantly agrees to look at some of the adds.  And then she reads Charlie's letter and knows that he's the one.  He feels lonely and invisible as well.  Sarah boards a train, anxious to meet Charlie.  When she arrives she discovers that Charlie has kept a secret-he has an infant daughter.  How can she marry a man who has lied to her?

I love, love, love a mail order bride romance.  From my first, Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke, right through my more recent reads like the erotic Bride Train series by Reece Butler. I just can't seem to get enough.  That being said...

This one was filled with tons and tons of emotional drama for Sarah.  Seriously.  She spent days agonizing over whether or not she could marry Charlie after he had lied to her, while we, the reader, could tell the decision had already been made.

What I typically like in a mail order read is watching as the hero and heroine become acquainted and figure out how they'll fit into each other's lives.  Sadly, there was none of that in this book.  Charlie was practically a saint, other than his one lie.  There seemed to be no adjustment at all for either of them.  It was all about Sarah having to make her decision.

The sex in this book barely warrants mentioning.  If Lauara Ingalls Wilder had written an erotic romance, I think the sex scenes would have read similar to this one. In fact, the writing style, in general, reminded me of the Little House books.

If you're like me, and enjoy mail order bride stories, you may like this one.  Just prepare yourself for lots of drama and rather dull sex.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Just One Thing by Holly Jacobs

Grade: B
Hotness Level: Ember
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary
Published: 6/10/14
Reviewed by Kate
198 pages

Lexie has had a terribly tough adult life.  Seriously.  A really hard life.  Just one thing after the other.  As she struggles to come back from the last thing, she starts walking to the local bar each Monday, just for one drink. She slowly starts talking to the bartender Sam.  Each week he asks her to tell him "just one thing" about herself.  Through these small confessions, Sam and Lexie slowly start a relationship and start to heal.

This one is hard for me to review because it wasn't an easy romance (and easy romances are the kind I like to read).  An easy romance where the hero and heroine meet and you know that it's going to be pretty easy going except for that one conflict that would be resolved in the last few chapters.  No.  This is a romance where you know instantly there is going to be drama.  And a lot of it.  And no shortage of tears.

This one centers around Lexie and as she slowly tells her "one things" to Sam you get to discover her journey to Sam.  And just like Sam, you discover it one thing at a time.  One tear-jerking thing at a time.  Sam has a past that slowly comes out as well, but honestly it's Lexie's story that overshadows everything.  Everything including the budding romance between Sam and Lexie.

It would be easy to say that I didn't like this one.  It would be easy and wrong.  This story sucked me in during the first chapter and wouldn't let me go until it was finished.  The "one things" are written in flashbacks and I knew every time I picked it up I was going to be crying, but I had to get the next piece of the puzzle that is Lexie.

If you like your romances carefree and lighthearted this probably isn't one for you, but if you like Danielle Steel or similar authors, give this one a try.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Why I Love Geeks by T.A. Chase

Grade: C
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m, police, nerd
Series: Why I Love... #1
Published: 3/6/11
Reviewed by Anne
140 ebook pages

I'm a sucker for nerd books, and the blurb for this one really sucked me in!  You've got Chuck, a homicide detective and technophobe who meets Herb, a talkative and super-smart scientist.  There's instant attraction but not much in common - that's a recipe for a good story as far as I'm concerned!  

Because I love the nerd trope so much, I'm willing to suspend a lot of disbelief.  Unfortunately, this story just pushed too far for me.  The set up was really awesome and I really enjoyed about the first half of the book.  Then it just got to be too much.  Little inconsistencies pulled me out of the story.  In one interaction Herb doesn't know what a prostate is, but in the next he's thinking about how much better that felt than what he'd read.  Another time he's not sure what the lab normally looks like, and a few pages later he's musing that the lab is kept compulsively clean.  Neither of those things is huge, but it was this kind of thing that kept pulling me out of the story - even though I didn't want it to!  So, while in the beginning I could roll my eyes and accept what was being worked on in the lab, by the end I was just frustrated by the concept.

Herb is funny, and his verbal diarrhea made me smile.  Chuck was a character I loved, too.  A tough guy with a sweet side.  Chuck's family was awesome!  I really wish I could have liked this one more.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bad Boyfriend by K.A. Mitchell

Grade: A
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m
Series: Bad in Baltimore #2
Published: 12/6/11
Reviewed by Anne
157 pages

Quinn lived with his closeted boyfriend, Peter, for 10 years before Peter came home and dumped him - confessing to an affair with a woman who got pregnant and Peter was going to marry.  Peter is an asshole, and Quinn is shocked.  He'd given up so much to be with Peter, and Peter's acting like they'd just been friends with benefits all along.  

Fast forward nine months and Peter wants Quinn to be the godfather of his baby.  Quinn decides to bring a date to the baptism.  He doesn't need to be in the closet anymore, and what greater revenge could there be than bringing a date - and if he could be a bit flaming and in your face about his gay-ness?  Well, that would be great.

So Quinn goes boyfriend hunting at a gay dance club bar and finds Eli.  Eli is much younger than Quinn.  Young enough that Quinn asks for Eli's ID to make sure he's legal!  After years of living with Peter, Eli is refreshing!  He knows exactly what he likes and he's not ashamed of it.  And an older man like Quinn?  That's exactly what Eli likes.

There were so many things l loved about this book!  Both Eli and Quinn are working through things.  Interestingly, Eli initially writes off a relationship with Quinn because Eli feels like he has enough drama in his own life, and he knows Quinn has even more!  The contrast between an older man who is getting used to being more openly gay and a younger man who is very confident in who he is and what he wants was wonderful!

There is some "Daddy" play that squicks me out a bit, but overall the two are so sweet together and it clearly was a kink they both enjoyed, so it ultimately felt ok to me.   I also had some concerns about Eli's financial stability.  He and Quinn never fully address this, which surprised me.

There is so much good to mention, though! The book gets bonus points for me in addressing the fact that Quinn is older than Eli.  Quinn needs recovery time between episodes of sex and he's a little embarrassed by that.  It's never a problem for them - in fact it becomes a sexy thing for them, but it's there and it's mentioned and dealt with - honesty that i really appreciated!  Another positive is that Peter, while definitely the villain of this story, isn't just two dimensional. He's done some awful things, but he's pretty pitiable, too.  I loved Eli's friends (and I had to go read their story - Bad Company - yes, I read out of order!) and I liked the family Quinn made for himself.

I highly recommend this book and it's going on my best of the year list!  As I mentioned, I haven't read this series in order.  Bad Boyfriend stands alone very well, but I kind of wish I'd read Bad Company first, since it features several of the same characters.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bad Company by K.A. Mitchell

Grade: B+
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m
Series: Bad in Baltimore #1
Published: 6/7/11
Reviewed by Anne
154 pages

Kellan and Nate were best friends as boys... up until right before freshman year of high school, when Nate trusted Kellan enough to tell him he thought he was gay, only to have Nate turn around and help a group of boys bully him at school.  Then their fathers had a falling out at work, and Kellan's family is pretty much responsible for ruining Nate's life. 

It's been years since that happened, and Nate's now a successful newspaper editor and advice columnist, but Kellan is still a sore spot with him.  So he's shocked to the core when Kellan approaches him in a gay bar asking for his help getting back at Kellan's dad.  Kellan wants to make his dad think Kellan is gay, and having Nate be his boyfriend would make it even harder on Kellan's dad.  Kellan is quite an asshole, but he persuades Nate to play along, but then confuses them both with his curiosity about all things gay, his ever decreasing asshole-ish behavior, and the feelings he seems to be developing for Nate.

What a great read!  Right now I'm fairly new to m/m books and I've been working through recommendations others have made of really good books.  It's a great place to be, reading one good book after another!  Oddly, Bad Company was a book that had mixed reviews.  I'd read that book two in this series was incredibly good, but not so much this one.  So, I actually read the second book, Bad Boyfriend, first.  I really liked it, so I decided to read this one, too.  Maybe my low expectations helped, but I really enjoyed the story!

I loved it when Kellan and Nate worked through issues by Kellan composing oral letters to Nate's advise column persona.  It was so sweet!  Kellan and Nate were actually both assholes in their own way to each other, and that's what really created teh conflict in this story.  Their affection for each other was believable, though.  Kellan's questions and concerns about gay sex seemed realistic.  Watching him figure all of it out was pretty entertaining.

Eli was an interesting character - even though I'd already read his story in Bad Boyfriend.  The causal sexual affection he had for others was a new thing for me.  I'm not sure what to make of it, but it worked for Eli.

I highly recommend this book.  It's going on my best of the year list!  What older book do you really like and think everyone should read?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Edge of the Enforcer by Cherise Sinclair

Grade: A-
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: High Kink
Genre: Contemporary, BDSM
Series: Mountain Masters/Dark Haven #4
Published: 5/13/14
Reviewed by Kate
304 pages

A while back (during book #3 My Liege of Dark Haven) Zander deVries won a Dom/sub game.  The prize was certain "favors" from Lindsey.  Lindsey is on the run.  She can't afford to fall in love with anyone.  deVries seems perfect, since he only has casual relationships.  But what's a sub who doesn't like pain to do when she falls for a sadist?

Lindsey, as a heroine, was sweet, caring, fiesty, and strong.  deVries, as a hero, was dark, brooding, dominating, and swoon-worthy. The two of them together was like stumbling across a rare jewel in a box of costume jewelry.  I was so immersed in the story that I forgot to take any notes while reading (almost unheard of for me).

This one had it all.  Low self esteem, supreme confidence, confusion, understanding, conclusion jumping, suspense, drama, great secondary characters...the list goes on and on.  And let's not forget chains and cuffs and collars and floggers and paddles and whips. As a bonus, we get to see some of our favorite characters from the past books in this series.

If you read BDSM romances and haven't tried one by Cherise Sinclair, you're truly missing out on a great author.  Cherise Sinclair is one of two authors whose books I pre-order.  I mark the release dates on my calendar.  If you've read Cherise Sinclair before, do you have any other BDSM authors you would recommend?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dangerous Ground by Josh Lanyon

Grade: B
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m, mystery, suspense
Series: Dangerous Ground #1
Published: 4/22/2008
Reviewed by Anne
89 ebook pages

Taylor and Will are special agents for the Department of Diplomatic Security.  They've been together for three years.  They're great friends and are both out of the closet gay men, but not lovers.  That doesn't mean they don't have an attraction to each other, but they've never acted on it.  Still, things were thrown out of balance a few weeks ago when Taylor was shot.  He's almost ready to come back to work, but the strain between them is an issue.  They decide that a weekend camping together will give them time to work through things.  As if working around emotional shrapnel between the two of them isn't enough, they stumble across the remains of a plane used in a crime a few months ago.  Now there's a lot more on the line than just their friendship and work relationship.

I'm pretty picky when it comes to mysteries.  I really enjoy some authors, but find others to be way too intense for me, especially without the balance of a romance or HEA.  I do enjoy JD Robb, Julia Spencer-Fleming, and Josh Lanyon, though.  I've been slowly working my way through Lanyon's backlist.  That's what brought me to Dangerous Ground.  

Lanyon hasn't failed me yet, and this was no exception.  Will and Taylor are interesting and distinct characters.  I liked the way they were both caught off guard by their feelings for each other and it was interesting to watch how they handled them.  They have a banter and humor together that kept me smiling.  The suspense was realistic enough to keep me wondering how in the world they would work things out.

I'm glad I read it, and now I've got a new series to read!  That said, it didn't grab me and refuse to let go the way that the Adrien English series did.  Still, I look forward to the rest of Taylor and Will's stories.  How about you?  Do you read mysteries?  If so, do you have a favorite series?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tigerland by Sean Kennedy

Grade: A
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m, sports
Series: Tigers and Devils #2)
Published: 10/15/12
Reviewed by Anne
306 pages

I first read Tigers and Devils (the book before Tigerland) in December 2012.  It was a book I instantly LOVED and is an all time favorite read of mine.  When I read it, I immediately bought its sequel, Tigerland, but I couldn't bring myself to read it.  See, it's not a story about another couple, it's the same couple from Tigers and Devils, Simon and Declan.  I was so elated that Simon and Declan were finally happy together at the end of book one, that I just couldn't bring myself to read a sequel where they would surely face more challenges. I just really needed them to be happy together in my head for a while.

So, I got around to reading book two.  I did a reread of Tigers and Devils first, and that was no chore.  Still an incredible read!  I went right on to Tigerland, and I'm kicking myself for waiting so long.  If you haven't read Tigers and Devils, go read my review here: and then get the book and read it.  You must read it book one before continuing on to book two.  Honestly, Tigerland could probably stand on it's own, but it's so much more enjoyable having already met the characters, so don't deprive yourself!

OK, so, if you've already read Tigers and Devils, read on for my Tigerland review.  

It's few years after Tigers and Devils and Declan has retired from the AFL and is working as a commentator.  Simon is now working at a community TV station developing shows with LBGT content.  Life is good.  Then Greg Heyward, retires from the AFL and comes out of the closet.  He's Declan's ex, and he's decided to write a tell all book about his time in the AFL and, knowing it will sell books and win him time in the spotlight, his time with Declan.  Simon and Declan don't exactly agree on the best way to handle this news, but they stumble through together.

This was a non-stop read for me.  Well, ok, I had to stop, but I resented it!  I tore through it without really making any notes to write a review on, which is a good indication that it was a great read for me!  Declan and Simon are great together.  Declan is so down to earth and Simon is so dramatic.  They each need to deal with Heyward in their own way, and they support each other, but the friction it causes is stressful.

Fran and Roger are still on the scene and are now trying to become parents.  The opening scene in the book was so hilarious I made my husband read it.  Abe and Lisa are separated, and their relationship is another thread in this story.  Sean Kennedy's humor is solid throughout the book, but there's also the heartclenching sweetness that made me love Tigers and Devils.

I highly recommend this book - but read in order!