Hotness Level-Inferno
Kink Level-None
Reviewed by Anne
I can't believe I waited so long to read this book! It was incredible! I didn't want to put it down. I was severely book cranky inbetween reading sessions. I see there is a sequel that catches up with Simon and Declan a few years later. I will definitely read it, but for now I just want them to be perfectly happy in my head for a while!
Tigers and Devils is a contemporary male/male romance set in Australia. And when I say it's set in Australia, it's really in Australia, with Australian slang and references I had to figure out. Declan is a pro footballer and a mega celebrity. He just happens to overhear Simon both insulting and defending him at a party. Simon is a huge football fan, but a bit of an "arty wanker". After overhearing a comment that lets him know Simon is gay, Declan comes on to Simon when they are alone. The only hitch is that Declan is far, far in the closet. And this starts a funny and touching journey for the two of them together.
There were several things I loved about this book. I smiled constantly while reading it. The whole story is told from Simon's point of view, and he's a funny, self-depreciating guy. The story also feels very realistic. I believed in Simon and Declan's affection for each other. That made their situation all the more gut wrenching.
Simon and Declan were great characters, too. Neither was perfect, and both made frustrating decisions. The way they worked through things was realistic, too. It's incredible writing!
There were a few little things that might bother some readers. As I mentioned, the story is told exclusively from Simon's point of view. This worked fine for me. Also, the sex in this book is behind closed doors and not detailed. There's no doubt it takes place, and there's lots of it, but it's not written explicitly.
I highly recommend this story!
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