Grade - D-/C-
Hotness Level - Inferno
Kink Level - No kink
Genre - Contemporary, MenageSeries - Kinky Neighbors #1
Jointly Reviewed by Kate & Anne
*** This review contains spoilers***
So, I (Anne) knew that Kate was on the lookout for a good HEA foursome book. There was a Valentine's Day sale on ebooks at All Romance eBooks and I had Jasmine Haynes on my wishlist. So when I read the back cover copy for this one, I suggested Kate and I both read it. Below is our joint review.
Drew has always enjoyed the kinky side of his wife Cat. So when she suggests they invite their neighbors (and friends) Logan and Alexis to go away for a week of exploring new sexual territory, he agrees. Drew worries that the new dynamics might destroy the friendship, but Cat promises to take it slow. Logan, like Cat, is looking forward to the week. Alexis has always been a bit more sexually reserved than Logan, but agrees to go on the vacation.
I'll be honest, I didn't like this book at all. Not because of the writing, but because it just crossed some boundaries I didn't even realize I had. In the initial stages of the foursome, I felt uncomfortable because of some of the feelings Drew and especially Alexis were experiencing. The further into the relationship(s), the more uncomfortable I became. By the end if the book, I was forcing myself to finish...I was simply too close to the end to not finish.
There is a sequel to this story (Kinky Neighbors: Cat and Logan's Just Desserts) but I won't be reading it. I just don't want to know any more about these characters.
Really. A sequel. Huh. But I really hate Cat and Logan. I can't imagine enjoying a book about them. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. If they are happy, I'll think it's unfair and unlikely. I'll be pissed that they walked away from their manipulations (and spouses!) without any consequences. If they are unhappy, that won't be much of a read for an HEA lover like me. So, yeah, I think I'll be skipping the sequel.
And, Kay, don't even think of picking this book up. It would make you so angry!