Hotness Level-Inferno
Kink Level-Low, some very mild D/s
Hotness Level-Inferno
Kink Level-Low, some very mild D/s
Genre: m/m, contemporary
Reviewed by Kate
Reviewed by Kate
When tycoon Jordan Hill inherits half of an island resort, he wants nothing more than to sell it quickly. But first, he has to spread his uncle's ashes and meet the other owner, Ryan McCale (you see where this is heading, don't you?). His uncle wanted him to take a vacation and relax, but Jordan doesn't do vacations or relaxing.
Jordan takes a horseback tour of the island looking for a places to spread the ashes, but finds himself looking at the male tour guide instead. Which is weird since he's straight, right? When the guide turns out to be Ryan, Jordan knows they will be spending more time together.
Jordan gets the impression that Ryan might be interested in him and decides to throw caution to the wind. A weekend of sex sounds good to both Jordan and Ryan. Not wanting him to sell the resort, Ryan decides to use the lure of sex to force Jordan explore and really see the island as more than just a business. Both are surprised by their feelings in what was supposed to be a what-happens-on-the-island-stays-on-the-island weekend.
I liked the connection between Ryan, who is very secure in his sexuality, and Jordan, who is exploring this new side of himself. What pulled me out of the story a bit was the suddeness of their affair. One minute Jordan is wondering why he's turned on by Ryan and the next minute they are romping naked in the ocean. There was no hesitation or second guessing on Jordan's part. He jumped in with both feet, which seemed a bit unbelievable. Once I got past the suddeness I enjoyed the story.