Hotness Level-Blaze
Kink Level-None
Genre-historical, touch of paranormal
Series - St. Leger #1
Reviewed by Kate
When I was 19 or 20, I ran across The Bride Finder in the check out lane of our local Shopko. The title alone fascinated me. I bought it without even reading the back. It turned out to be my first romance, one of my best impulse buys, and still one of my favorites to this day.
Anatole St.Leger comes from a rather strange family. Some of his ancestors have been conjurers, clairvoyants, exorcists, sorcerers, etc. Anatole's own powers include seeing visions of the future, sensing a person's presence, and levitating objects.
One of the family's unique members is the Bride Finder, a person able to locate the one true mate for each St.Leger male. Anatole's father chose to marry someone who was not chosen by the Bride Finder. Anatole's mother ended up being terrified of her son and his powers. As a result, Anatole grew up feeling unloved and shut off from the world. Reluctantly, he sends the Bride Finder out to find his one true bride, determined to keep his powers a secret from her. It would crush him to have another person he loves be terrified of him.
When Madeline arrives at Anatole's castle, she find herself facing a husband who won't open up to her and a house full of secrets. Ever a logical person, she is determined to show Anatole the truth behind all of his family's legends and myths. Little does she know...
A magical journey of Madeline fighting her way to the heart Anatole locked away years ago, and Anatole doing his best to keep himself from falling in love. I don't think I can say enough to recommend this book except:
1. This is the book that I most regret donating when we moved, and
2. When I checked this book out from the library, even my husband got excited about rereading it (I made him wait until I had finished it though).
I love that you out Mr. Kate as a romance reader in this review! And I love even more that you argue over who reads it first! :) ~Anne
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't read tons of romance...he likes the St. Leger trilogy by Susan Carroll, most of Katie MacAlister's earlier works, and The Alaskan Royal series by MaryJanice Davidson. And there's no arguement...I get to read the romances first because he got to read all the Harry Potters first.
How long do you get to ride that Harry Potter train? I'd say it's good for life! That's a lot to give up, and if it tells you anything about Mr. Anne and I, we bought two copies of the final HP book. ~Anne