Grade: A
Hotness Level: Ember
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, Nerdmance
Published: 10/1/13
Hotness Level: Ember
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, Nerdmance
Published: 10/1/13
Reviewed by Anne
292 pages
So, I saw this book had some good buzz last fall as a funny romance told from a Sheldon-like character's POV. I put it on my To Read List and finally got around to it over Christmas Break. I devoured this book! It gave me a serious case of Book Cranky as I had to fit it in around my kids and family obligations!
It's told from the first person point of view of Don. Don is someone I'd guess is on the autism spectrum. He is certainly very literal minded and has a hard time understanding people. He is very self aware, though, and his narration is unintentionally funny. Actually, it's unintentionally hysterical! He knows he would like to have a wife, because he has observed in others a happiness level he associates with a long term partner. After deciding that being set up with people and online dating are very unefficient ways to meet a potential mate, he begins The Wife Project.
He runs The Wife Project with the help of his married friends, Gene and Claudia. Their relationship is a secondary story line. In the course of The Wife Project, Don meets Rosie, who he immediately recognizes as unsuitable for wife material. However, he's intrigued at her current quest to find her biological father. He finds this situation interesting enough to start The Rosie Project, his effort at helping Rosie in her quest.
This story was touching and sad at points, but it's so funny throughout that it didn't bring me down. Along with Don and Rosie's quest, we hear about Don's relationship with his elderly neighbor, Daphne, who helped inspire Don to undertake The Wife Project. This story reminded, in emotional tone, to the beginning of the movie, Up. Don and Daphne's story is very simply told, but so much lays between the lines. It's an excellent way to get insight into Don's character and it left me rooting for him!
I don't really know if it's an accurate portrayal of someone with Asperbergers or autism. If it is not, a reader with familiarity to this issue might not enjoy the story. That issue aside, I really enjoyed the book and I highly recommend it!
Note: I'm listing this one under Best of 2013 and Best of 2014, because I read it late in December, after I made my Best of 2013 list.
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