Grade: B
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: Moderate Kink
Genre: Dystopian, Menage
Series: Beyond #4
Kink Level: Moderate Kink
Genre: Dystopian, Menage
Series: Beyond #4
Published: 3/16/14
Reviewed by Anne
262 ebook pages
Note: These Beyond books really need to be read in order. I think you'd be pretty lost trying to jump in at this point, but don't worry, they're worth your reading time!
Rachel has had a thing for Ace since she first met him, but when he kept pushing her away, she fell for Cruz. When she and Cruz broke up, she found herself with feelings for both Ace and Cruz. To top it off, she watches Ace and Cruz circling their attraction for each other. So it seems inevitable that they'll see what happens when the three of them come together.
This was a very hot book. It was also very intense. It also turned out to be the kind of story that felt one way when I was reading it, and a different way. When I was reading it I was totally absorbed and enjoyed it. When I was done and thought back on it, I had some issues.
So here goes. I loved the heat and intensity between the three of them. I loved that it's a menage that goes every which way - the guys have a thing for each other as well as for Rachel. The way their relationship develops and their individual issues all seemed very believable to me. The O'Kanes just accepted their triad relationship with no qualms, and that was very cool. I really enjoyed their story!
But then after I finished and thought back on it... there were things that bothered me some. Probably the biggest one is that their triad relationship is the first one ever mentioned in the series. They were the first, but no one blinked an eye. It seemed like there would have been some blowback about it. I mean, these are the O'Kanes, so obviously they're down with pretty much anything. It would have made more sense to me to either mention that this had been done before or to have to do a little more groundbreaking work. I also felt like the ending was a little rushed. I would have liked a HFN rather than a HEA in this situation, because they all had a lot of issues to work through and not much time together.
However, I think all of this is colored by where the series is going. It's become a bit more complicated and political. This absolutely make sense, and it's clearly where the series was headed from the beginning, but I liked the simpler days of the first few books better. This is definitely a personal issue for me. I love a good series, but I generally enjoy the first books better because they are simpler. Because the politics and details are getting more complicated as the series goes on - which they need to do, from a world building perspective - the books now have more of a suspense aspect to them. There's danger. The characters' safety is not a for sure thing. I know that's always been the case, but I saw that more in this book. In fact, it's getting unrealistic that no one gets killed. And there's my dilemma. It's part of why i don't read romantic suspense. I want things to feel realistic, and when a world is built and I have to worry about everyone's safety, it's not as fun a read for me any more.
All of that is a personal issue for me, and it reflects how I read the book and how I felt about it. Still, I can say it was a good read and I'll keep reading the series. There are some teaser chapters building up to future books that leave me wanting to know more! In fact, I hate cliff hangers, so I'm just pretending like I didn't read the last chapter altogether! (No worries, the last chapter isn't about Rachel, Cruz, and Ace, it's a cliffie about other characters in the series.)
A final word about what I like. I will keep reading this series, despite the increased suspense, because I love the strong female characters and the O'Kane society that accepts each person for who they are. The O'Kanes remind me of an MC (Motorcycle Club) except that their women are valued members of the gang. I love that!
And now a final, final word... Kit Rocha does self-publishing right! The book is really well formatted. The ARC I received was darn near perfect and easily readable on my Bluefire reader app. They've laid out a pricing plan that benefits the reader who buys in the first month. So you can buy the book and not worry that next week it will be 99c. I always know I'm getting a quality product with Kit Rocha!
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