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Series-Wicked Lovers #6.5
Reviewed by Kay
Caleb Edgington is a retired Colonel and sniper for the Army. He has been mentioned in the other books of this series but as a background character. This novella is all about him and he's as entertaining as the rest of the men in this series.
Carlotta Buckley is a divorcee and Caleb's daughter-in-law's mother. We met Carlotta a couple of books ago when her daughter rescued her from a abusive marriage. Caleb has been helping her get back on her feet.
Both of these characters had to do a lot of accepting, not only of the other but of themselves and their pasts. It was nice to read about Carlotta trying to be more independent after her marriage and Caleb trying to be less domineering with her.
Oh, Shayla Black. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. If you've never read Shayla Black then I highly suggest you do. No one writes a love scene better! No one! Her love scenes blister the pages and have you reaching for something to fan yourself with. Her stories are endearing for the most part. A little heavy on the BDSM at times for me, but I'm a little prudish to begin with for that sub-genre(pardon the pun). This was a great read and I can't wait for the next book in this series coming out May 7th!
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