Hotness Level-Blaze
Kink Level-None
Series-Pride #0.5
Reviewed by Anne
(Note: I only read Laurenston's story.)
So, I am a big Shelly Laurenston
fan. I’ve been reading her stuff for a
while and I love it all. It’s not often
that you can say that about an author, but her stuff is ALL good to me. It’s set in an alternate present day where
shifters (that most full humans don’t know about) exist. One of the things Laurenston does best with her shifters is bring their animal traits into their personalities and habits, whether in human or animal form. She's amazingly good! Her stories are over the top funny and over the top
violent, and I just don’t want to put them down when I start them!
I just finished the novella Like a Wolf with a Bone in the
anthology Howl For It. I need to take a
moment and mention just how much I appreciate those title. There’s some nice double entendre along with
a nod to the shifterness of the story.
So Like a Wolf with a Bone is a prequel to the current
stories. It takes place in the 70s and
there’s some humor to be had from the references that come up. Darla and Eggie are the parents of one of the
most recent heroines, DeeAnn. Like a Dog
with a Bone tells the story of their courtship.
There’s so much to enjoy!
Darla is attacked by a group of full humans. Eggie manages to fend them off, and by fend
them off, I mean that he easily and efficiently kills them all. However, Darla is hurt and unconscious when
Eggie is done with the humans. Without a
whole lot of thought to it, Eggie takes her away from her home – she wasn’t
safe there! – and takes her to his military base hospital for treatment. When Darla wakes up she assesses the
situation and after some initial shock, she’s fine with Eggie having rescued
her. So, the conflict in this book doesn’t
really come from the two of them together, but from everyone else in the
story. And while there is a lot of humor between
Eggie and Darla, it’s the squads of secondary characters that really had me
cracking up!
See, Darla has lots of sisters, and Eggie has lots of
brothers. And they are all dating each
other. Yep. In the rural area I grew up in this wasn’t
uncommon. We used to joke about the
family tree growing up, but not out.
Anyway, Darla and Eggie’s siblings have a lot to say about Darla and
Eggie being together. Actually, Darla’s
sisters have a lot to say. They do most
of the talking. And then there’s Eggie’s
momma. She may not know a pacifist from a polygamist, but she's looking out for her boy. It’s just all good!
This story was ridiculously funny and I enjoyed it from
beginning to end. I highly recommend it! It’s probably best appreciated if you’ve read
some of the other books in the series, especially the more recent ones where
DeeAnn and Eggie are mentioned.
I also enjoyed this short stories, as I always due her Pride stories. Sexy and laugh out loud funny! How can you go wrong?