I enjoy searching Amazon
for games we might like. My favorite
from years past is Loaded Questions Adult

This is a group board game that is best with 5
or more players. You move around the
board and take turns asking questions off of the cards included in the game. Everyone answers the question on a sheet of
paper. The sheets are handed in and the
question asker tries to match answers to people. It’s a great way to get to know each other
better. And it’s hilarious!
Even more than I enjoy these games others have made, I like
to modify existing games. I take a game I enjoy in its original version and spice it up a bit. Here are a few
of them I’ve modified. I’m going to
assume you’ve played the standard game – they’re all good!
This is simple one. I
created an alternate answer grid with categories such as: Body Part, Something
You Shout, Euphemism for “having sex”, etc.
You roll the Scattegories die and use the letter. Start the time and fill out the column on the answer grid. You get a point for any answer no one else has. As with the regular version, this one is more fun if you work in small teams of 2-3 people. We laughed so much with this one and argued over acceptable answers, many of which needed explanations. After someone (ahem) was accused at being able to work “cock” into the answers no matter what letter was rolled, this game ended with the now legendary Alphabet of Cock. A – Amazing Cock. B – Beautiful Cock, etc.
You roll the Scattegories die and use the letter. Start the time and fill out the column on the answer grid. You get a point for any answer no one else has. As with the regular version, this one is more fun if you work in small teams of 2-3 people. We laughed so much with this one and argued over acceptable answers, many of which needed explanations. After someone (ahem) was accused at being able to work “cock” into the answers no matter what letter was rolled, this game ended with the now legendary Alphabet of Cock. A – Amazing Cock. B – Beautiful Cock, etc.
Dirty Scrabble/Upwords/Words with Friends
I think we played this in person on a real Scrabble board
one year, but I generally play this with Kate on Words With Friends. Below are the alternate rules. If you’re playing in person you can just assign
bonus points for using words from each list.
Probably 50 points for the A list and 10 for the B list. There is nothing like the feeling of saving
your letters and finally being able to play the word PENIS!
Dirty Words Rules
- When one player plays a word from the A list, the other player must pass on their next turn.
- When one player plays a word from the B list the other player may only play 3 tiles or less on their next turn
A list (plurals count,
Penis, dick, cock,
vagina, pussy, flaccid, erection, copulate, whore, vulva, thong, panty, menage,
dildo, stripper, spank, bitch, spunk, sexy, breast, nipple, swallow, vibe,
labia, semen, grope, naked, wench
B list (plurals
count, too)
ass, tit, shit, shat,
head, come, kiss, butt, whip, strip, shag, balls, nuts, orgy, sex, dink, boob,
bra, slit, erect, nude, bone, sub, snog, dong, rack, lube, blow, jugs
Dirty Apples to Apples
For this game you’re going to use the adjective (green) cards as you
normally do. But you’ll have different
noun (red) cards in your hand. We started with the Junior version of the game. I made up a list
of alternate red cards that was very fun to play with.
I printed mine on cardstock and cut out little mini cards.
You could definitely add your own words to make more cards.

Dirty Bubble Talk
If you’re unfamiliar with this game, it’s a lot like Apples
to Apples, except you use pictures instead of adjective cards and you use quote
cards instead of noun cards. To make an
adult version of the game you need some adult pictures. Book covers would be one possibility. Jess Michael’s fb page would be another. The Broken Circle on Pinterst would serve
well. Jill Shalvis’ inspiration page
would also work. Coffee and porn has
some nice very adult images, too.
Anyway, I’ve gotten a bit off track here. Put your image bank together. I saved mine onto my iPad. Then you pop up a picture. Everyone looks at the caption cards they have
in their hands and submits the one they think best fits the picture.
Another alteration you could make to this game would be to
make up your own caption cards. But
sometimes I think the best humor comes from taking something not meant to be
dirty and making it really, really durrrty.
So, how about you? Do
you have any party games you like to play?
Have you modified any existing games?
I don't have any party games or modified games that I've played (other than dirty words with friends that you mentioned above), but I'm beginning to see wht I'm missing out on by living so far away. If I was closer, maybe I'd be able to join your book club. Sad sigh.
Someday, Kate, Someday! ~Anne
ReplyDeleteI'm so looking forward to this coming weekend but I'd trade it all to have Kate closer!
oh boy its going to be quite a weekend lol!!!
ReplyDeleteOh yes it is! -Anne