Hotness Level-Inferno
Kink Level-None
Reviewed by Kay
Tabitha Allen is a biker club princess and when she was younger, a train wreck. She made unwise choices and she and the people she loved paid the price. As an adult, she tried to live what she thought was the dream only to have her world implode. She has always had a crush on Parker "Shy" Cage who is a member of the MC(motorcycle club) her dad is the president of.
Shy Cage has always noticed Tabby but never acted on it because of her age and the MC. He's quite the ladies man and is very outspoken with his opinions. He makes a judgement call with Tabby when she's younger and for a long time it defines their relationship.
I'm a big fan of Kristen Ashley. I have to say Knight is still my favorite but I really liked this book and Motorcycle Man. It would help if you have read Motorcycle Man first but you don't have to. If you have, you'll see that Tabby fell for a guy a lot like her dad, Tack. This story was very emotional and hard to read at times because of the pain these characters were in. The losses they had were staggering and changed who they were as people at a young age. I highly recommend this book for readers of Kristen Ashley's books or anyone who wants a great story by a great author.
ETA: It turns out this book is on sale for 99c today (8/4/13)
ARe (it's $3.99 here)
This book is on sale for 99c today! I've been meaning to try a Kristin Ashley book, so maybe this one will be it. But I have ask, how emo is it? Do I have to make sure I'm in a good place before I start it, so it can't make me cry? You know how I am about these things!
It's not that emotional but be warned...her heroes are over the top alphas. Kind of assholes.