Grade: C-
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary, m/m
Series: Theta Alpha Gamma #2
Published: 8/27/12
Reviewed by Anne
89 pages
Paul is a graduate student and tutor. Trevor is a new coach at the same college, and he's got student athletes Paul will be working with. Paul and Trevor have history. And lots of baggage. Horrible painful baggage. Trevor terribly wronged Paul nine years ago in high school, and he's hoping that now Paul will forgive him. Paul's not sure he wants to forgive Trevor. He might just want a little revenge.
This story was believable, but painful. It doesn't have a lot of the humor I expect from Anne Tenino. Or if it's there, I just don't remember it because of how sad the rest of it was. I also think I had a hard time feeling like these two were going to be ok together. Trevor was awful to Paul in the past. Then Paul is awful to Trevor in the present. That's a lot of awfulness to set aside. In the same way that two wrongs don't make a right, two really emotionally painful experiences don't cancel each other out.
This story does get bonus points for a sex scene with a deflating erection. It's not something you read of often in romance - every man seems to be some sort of super stud. I appreciated that scene, and it was really well written. Actually the whole story was well written, I just didn't enjoy it.
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