Hotness Level-Ember
Kink Level-None
Series-Clan MacDougall #1
Reviewed by Kay
Duncan McEwan is a warrior, training to become a future Chieftain. He was never looking for love and never suspected he would find it in the hopeless and abused woman he and his friends find face down in a stream. Aishlinn, no last name, has never experienced kindness from a male. Not her stepfather, stepbrothers, or pretty much anyone else that should have cared for her. She escapes after years of repeated and horrific abuse only to end up face down in that creek.
Her rescue at Duncan's hands is the start to a love story that will touch your heart. Not just the love but the scars each of them carry from their pasts both physically and emotionally. This novel started out so good but drug in the middle pretty badly for me. There are some plot twists and they leave the reader pretty satisfied with them I would say. What didn't work for me honestly was the heat level. It was barely there and I am a big fan of heat. Sadly, her good writing and storytelling was penalized for me because of it. Enough that I won't read any of the others. It makes me sad because anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Scottish Highlander romance!
Something about the cover just days it's not going to have a high heat level, doesn't it? Maybe it's the way she's all wrapped up?
I liked the blurb I read on it and bought it in a moment of weakness. I like tortured heroines.