Hotness Level-Blaze
Kink Level-No Kink
Reviewed by Kay
390 pages
Lysette needs to break a betrothal to a horrible man and escape her even worse step-father. After a severe beating from her step-father she runs away into Bayou country. She is found trying to steal a small boat and is brought back to the house of Max Vallerand. She is almost transfixed by him but thinks he would never find a red haired, freckle faced girl of eighteen attractive.
Max is blown away by the flame haired beauty his sons have accused of steal. After he finds out who she is betrothed to, he plans to ruin her where she'll have to marry him instead. Then he would get his revenge against the man he believes seduced and murdered his former wife.
I really enjoyed this book in the beginning but it started to lag in the middle. It did pick up in the end, so it's probably a three and half star book for me. I am a big Lisa Kleypas fan but I wanted more from this book than I got. I'm in a historical funk and not at all happy about it. I did find out that this book was originally another book and Kleypas rewrote it. What I mean is that it was her book but she rewrote the story because the first book didn't do well. I don't know if I'd recommend this book but I'm not sorry that I read it either.
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