Grade: B+
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: Mild Kink
Genre: Contemporary, M/M
Series: Theta Alpha Gamma #4
Published: 10/7/13
Reviewed by Anne
83 pages
Brad (a college student) and Sebastian (a grad student) have been together for 9 months now. They love each other very much, but Sebastian's writing his thesis and stressed to the max. Unfortunately this shows itself in him taking Brad and everything he's doing for granted. This is especially concerning because Seb and Brad have a D/s relationship. It usually works very well, but when the story opens, it's not working, and in fact, Seb is feeling entitled and Brad is feeling like a pet begging for attention.
Tenino does such a good job writing this initial set up, I truly wondered how she would redeem Sebastian! In the end though, I really enjoyed reading a dom who was NOT psychic! It was interesting to see them work through things. Oh, and I should mention it was super hot, too! Their relationship is presented as one that has always been physical, so it's no surprise that working through their issues involves more sex than it does talking. The sex and the talking were both well written, though and I enjoyed the whole thing!
This book is the 4th in the series and only the 2nd I've read. It's even a novella follow up to the first book in the series, (Frat Boy and Toppy) which I haven't read. All this means that I can testify that Tenino's writing can stand up to being read out of order. I really enjoyed this one and look forward to reading more!
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