Grade: C
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: Mild Kink
Genre: Contemporary, Novella
Hotness Level: Inferno
Kink Level: Mild Kink
Genre: Contemporary, Novella
44,000 words
I went into this thinking the collection would be about voyeurism, which wasn't the case with every story. They had more to do with being on display/exposed, though there was some voyeurism. The first two stories were ok. I LOVED the 3rd one by Christina Thatcher. The fourth one started off great but then gave me book rage. So, it was a mixed bag for me.
R is for Reality by Ginny Glass is about a camera woman who convinces a cab driver to come audition for a part to get her out of hot water. Their chemistry was good, but I was surprised by the pacing of the story, which jumped over large gaps in time. Overall it was just ok for me. (C)
S is for Scandalous by Emily Cale had the exact opposite pacing problem for me. I felt like I had mental whiplash due to how fast the characters' relationship moved. Kacey takes a job where she will lie nude and be the serving platter for a meal of sushi. Austin shows up and recognizes Kasey. He goes to see her after the meal when she is changing. Even though their teenage friendship/crush didn't survive Austin leaving for college, they pick up like they'd spent the intervening years dreaming of getting back together. And despite the years apart, they act like they know each other extremely well. It just didn't work for me (C-)
T is for Tango by Christina Thatcher was the standout read in this collection! Sonia is a secretary at Adam's company. Once a week he catches her changing clothes... at her desk. He doesn't know what to make of it, but he's enthralled. Then he realizes she's doing it on purpose, for him. This just worked on every level for me. (B+)
U is for Undone by Maggie Wells started out really promising. When the power goes out, Alec sees Sophia, a co-worker he's admired. She's lighting candles in her apartment and taking off her clothes. He can't help but watch and he's shocked when she makes eye contact with him and he realizes she knew he was watching the whole time! This beginning worked very well for me. Unfortunately, what came next was rage-inducing. I don't want to ruin the story, so I'll just say that Alec was very controlling about how their relationship would move forward. This frustrated Sophia, but ultimately she doesn't complain and just moves forward in the way Alec dictates. I felt like Alec was playing mind games with Sophia, but that's not the tone of the story. I think we're supposed to think it's sweet that he wants to get to know her and take things slow. It just didn't work for me. (D)
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