Hotness Level-Blaze
Kink Level- Moderate Kink
Series- Dark-Hunter #23
Genre-Paranormal Romance
Reviewed by Kay
836 pages
Back many months ago when I read the blurb for this book, my heart raced. I'll admit I was a little tentative about a book featuring Styxx, but the blurb says that we only know half of the story. If you don't want to read a review with spoilers stop now.
Here's a little refresher on this very long series. Styxx is the identical twin to Acheron except for the eyes. They shared a womb even though they were not blood related. I'm not going to summarize all the details to Ash's (Acheron) conception and subsequent birth. Just know that Ash was put in a queen's womb who was already pregnant as a way to protect Ash from those who were hunting him. See, Ash is the son of the Destroyer and he can bring an end to the world.
In Ash's book, we learn of his birth and life up until this point. He and his twin, Styxx hated each other. Ash was made to suffer atrocities that no one should suffer, especially a small child. We all developed a hatred so intense for the golden child, Styxx. But in this book, we realize that we only knew Ash's story. Styxx's story was in my opinion even worse. Not only was it over one hundred pages longer but it was almost double the size of Ash's back story. A back story that had me either too stunned to cry or sobbing uncontrollably. I won't say anything more about the back story other than you have to read it to truly know the story and the ultimate betrayals that take place.
The most beautiful part of this book is the love story between Styxx and Bethany. It was so precious and innocent. Styxx is the future king of his country and became a true war hero and a master strategist. His one and only true love was a blind girl who he met when she was fishing.
He didn't realize that his love was really the Goddess of Misery as she didn't realize he was Prince Styxx.
I don't want to give away too much about the book. Just read it even though it is 836 pages long. It moves quickly and I devoured it in less than 48 hours. I'll end this review with my favorite quotes from the book.
"Never once in my life did I feel the sunshine on my skin until the day you touched me."
"And without my Bethany, I dwell in total darkness."
"It's not fair that we're forced to live without them while the world goes on, oblivious to the fact that it's missing the most vital part of it."
"I let go of your hand eleven thousand, five hundred thirty nine years, one hundred and eighty three days and roughly ten hours give or take a few mintues ago."
"You really did count the heartbeats."
"Oh Beth, you have no idea."
This time Styxx knew that nothing would ever separate them again. And if anyone or anything was dumb enough to try they were going to learn the lesson he had given both Archon and Apollo. Styxx of Didymos fought for what he wanted. He didn't back down. He didn't give up. He didn't lose. Even if it meant coming back from the dead, he wouldn't be stopped and he would never again live without his most vital part. Bethany.
Wow! 836 pages! I'm impressed.
600 pages of that was sexual abuse, so it was a gut wrencher.