Grade: D
Hotness Level: Blaze
Kink Level: No Kink
Genre: Contemporary
Reviewed by Kate
Note: originally published in 1993 as Renegade Lover
19 year old spoiled, little rich girl Megan falls madly in love with poor Aussie Jake. They marry and get divorced a year later. Jake heads off to the tropics to lick his wounds while Megan runs home to Daddy (and his money). But wait...Daddy is out of money and when he dies, he leaves Megan with nothing but bill collectors knocking on her door. Oh, and did I mention she's pregnant with Jake's baby and he doesn't know?
Flash forward six years. Jake is now a millionaire who owns multiple yachts and houses around the globe. He is currently holding a week-long competition among a select number of catering companies for a contract to cater his newest exclusive cruise ship (the competition takes place aboard the ship). Megan is struggling to advance her catering business and secure a future for her daughter. Winning the cruise ship contract will achieve both goals.
Jake, as owner of the ship, has arranged for Megan to compete. He has never quit lusting after her and figures one last time together should get her out of his system. Megan has never forgotten Jake either. She mistakenly assumes he is on board to play the piano and the two indulge in a week-long affair.
Throughout the book I found myself screaming at Jake and Megan (internally of course...I don't like the strange looks I get from my husband when I yell out loud at book). Neither of them tells the truth...ever. Jake assumes Megan is still rich, Megan assumes Jake is still poor. Jake assumes Megan is still childless (I guess she's one of those lucky stretch mark-less gals). She doesn't bother to correct the assumption. I found it hard to respect either of the characters. In fact, in my notes I actually awarded Jake an "ass of the year" award. I kept waiting for some redeeming aspect of the story to come along. Sadly, it never did.
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