Hotness Level-Blaze
Kink Level-None
Series-Assassins #2
Reviewed by Kay
This is the second installment in Toni Aleo's Assassins Hockey series. It is about Lucas Brooks, who has recently been traded to Nashville, where the Assassins are from. He is no stranger to hockey or the lifestyle that comes with being a professional athlete. He's cocky and very self assured. He just wants to play hockey and win back the girl he lost.
Fallon Parker is that girl. She and Lucas had a love affair when they were younger and was heartbroken when it ended with Lucas' infidelity. She left town, which at the time was in California, and came home to Nashville. She is in charge of Rocky Top Wines, lives with her sister, Audrey, and her son, Aiden.
I love this series and this book was no exception. I loved Lucas even with all his faults and there are some. I loved Fallon too. She had to make herself into the woman she was because of Aiden, who as you probably guessed, is Lucas' son. Lucas never knew about him until he came to Nashville. You as the reader get to go through that with them also. Understanding both sides of the situation, it was still a moral dilemma. Toni Aleo knows just how to write an emotion packed novel. This is a great example of a sports based romance series. I can't wait to read the next one.
I was right with you until the SECRET BABY. That trope drives me crazy. Do you think that's handled well, or should I skip this one? ~Anne