Hotness Level-Inferno
Kink Level-Low
Series-One Night With Sole Regret #5
Reviewed by Kay
159 pages
Kellen Jamison is man trapped in the past. His life looks pretty sweet. He's gorgeous, wealthy, a rock star, has a great best friend and good band mates. But he is partially broken inside. His guilt over promises he made to a dead woman eat him alive. He tortures himself by revisiting the beach house she loved so much. He wears a cuff on one of his wrists as a remembrance of her. He loves her and doesn't know how to stop.
Dawn O'Reilly is a classical, composing pianist with a Grammy for her achievements. She is staying in a rented beach house for part of the summer trying to finish a piece of music that has her exasperated. Her muse is gone and she can't find another. She has to be perfect, her music has to be perfect. After a disappointing evening trying to compose, she goes out onto her deck in the storm and sees a man. In that moment everything changes.
This is probably Olivia Cunning's best work to date in my opinion. I have been waiting for Kellen's story and this one was fantastic. The emotion in this story was at times almost overwhelming. It took Dawn's tenacity and determination to make Kellen see that he was alive even if Sara wasn't. Kellen had to make peace with the promises he made to Sara (who seemed a bit childish and a whole lot selfish in the description of her) and his acknowledgement that it is possible and okay to always love someone's memory even while you go on living your life. This book moved me to tears, both happy and sad tears. I highly recommend it.
Crap. Now I'll have to read books 2-4, becuase this one sounds soooo good.