Hotness Level-Inferno
Kink Level-Mild Kink
Series-The Manhattanites #1
Reviewed by Kay
Massimo Tittoni is a notorious playboy and also a Prince. He is a bit of a hedonist too. Described by people as gorgeous, rich and well endowed, he is a papparazi favorite. And he is never without a woman around it seems.
Lex Easton is a clothing designer and the daughter of a deceased famous rock star. Her business is on the verge of ruin and her mother on the verge of another trip to rehab. She sets off to meet Massimo about a failed business deal. When they do meet, the sparks fly.
Man, I so looked for ward to this book! It was reviewed by others as the hottest book ever and I thought, "Hot damn"! Well, it was erotic all right. I thought it was too over the top from the settings to the characters to the graphic descriptions. Now wait people, I love hot romance. I love it like nothing else. For me this was full of whorish characters, and overly detailed scenes dealing with bodily fluids. It just wasn't for me on any level. Yay for the cover though!
I suppose it is wrong on some level, but I enjoy seeing someone else rate a book rather low. It's means it I'm not alone in running across books that just don't work for me. Although (crossing my fingers), I've had a string of good reads for quite a while now.